Authenticate your photos easily and quickly

AuthenPIQ - App screen
AuthenPIQ - step 1 vedi


Frame the subject or scene you want to document

AuthenPIQ - step 2 scatta


Take a photo or video with the internal or external camera, select zoom and flash – just like a regular camera!

AuthenPIQ - step 3 autentica


You can select to record only metadata, or the NFT of the image, including metadata

AuthenPIQ - App screen
What is AuthenPiQ

The blockchain solution that instantly authenticates your photos, easily, quickly and safely.

Create the NFT of your unfiltered photo or video, certify the date, time, and location, and use it in a variety of settings: from forensics to insurance to social media, or sell it on Opensea.

AuthenPIQ esempio d'uso in edilizia
AuthenPIQ esempio d'uso in caso di sinistro
The Users of AuthenPiQ

AuthenPiQ helps you authenticate what you see.

AuthenPiQ is the tool that helps you in everyday practices, whether you are a professional or not: the status of work on a construction site, damages after an accident, an event you are attending, or a document. The areas, then, are multiple: civil, forensic, technical expert, insurance, journalistic, corporate, or even simple social sharing and selling on Opensea, the largest NFT marketplace in the world.

AuthenPIQ - blockchain

The advantages of blockchain technology

Thanks to blockchain, you do not need third parties to certify your photo/video material because the European Union guarantees its legal value of technological neutrality.

AuthenPIQ - App screen
AuthenPIQ - App screen
How does AuthenPiQ work

Using AuthenPiQ is very simple, intuitive and safe: see, click, authenticate.

Il tuo NFT contiene metadati di data, ora e, a scelta, luogo e autore, così come l’hash di registrazione (codice univoco di identificazione) e il link a Opensea. AuthenPiQ permette di creare foto e video senza l’uso di fotoritocchi, filtri, o modifiche digitali, così da preservare l’integrità del materiale acquisito.

AuthenPIQ - step 1 vedi


Frame the subject or scene you want to document

AuthenPIQ - step 2 scatta


Take a photo or video with the internal or external camera, select zoom and flash

AuthenPIQ - step 3 autentica


Once you have decided to keep the shot or video, choose to record only its metadata, or the public NFT of the image, including metadata

Instant NFT

For extra security, you can also create the public NFT of the image, including metadata, which ensures exclusive ownership, security and transferability to different marketplaces, quickly and easily.

AuthenPIQ - valore giuridico

Legal value of technological neutrality is guaranteed by the European Union

Compare AuthenPiQ and the traditional smartphone camera

Documenting through photographs or videos has become everyday practice, but the material taken with the built-in camera in our smartphones can be easily altered. Not only photo editing but also metadata: changing the time of the phone’s system, for example, also changes the time of our photo, not guaranteeing its integrity. AuthenPiQ ensures the authenticity of the shot without retouching changes and taking advantage of immediate notarization by time and date, as well as the location where your material was captured if you choose to enable GPS. The photograph, video, or their metadata, immediately becomes an unchanged, unalterable, verifiable public NFT.

Carachteristcs Smartphone app AuthenPIQ
Photo Inalterability
Metadata integrity (date and time)
Blockchain security
Legal value
NFT creation

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